Conflict of Interest

Purpose - Why do we have this policy?

In this policy, you'll learn how to identify conflicts of interest and what to do about them.
Conflicts of interest may affect the way someone acts, makes decisions, or votes in group decisions, so it's important to identify them and take action to avoid personal or individual interests affecting the organisation's activities.

This policy applies to Australian Street Aid Project Board and Sub-Committee members, staff members and relevant contractors.
It includes situations in which (but not limited to):
● Close personal friends or family members are involved, such as decisions about employment, discipline or dismissal, service allocation or awarding of contracts.
● An individual or their close friends or family members may make a financial gain or gain some other form of advantage.
● An individual is involved with another organisation that is in a competitive relationship with Australian Street Aid Project and therefore may have access to our plans or financial information.
● An individual is bound by prior agreements or allegiances to other individuals or agencies that require them to act in the interests of that person or agency or to take a particular position on an issue.

Examples of conflicts of interest could be (but are not limited to)
● A potential selection panel member having personal first-hand knowledge about an applicant’s ability to meet the selection criteria to such an extent that it is believed that objectivity cannot be maintained.
● A director being involved in a decision related to training or payments for themselves or someone with whom they have a close relationship.
● A director or their immediate family stands to gain financially from any business dealings, programs or services of Australian Street Aid Project.
● A director having a role in the governing body of another organisation, where the activities of that organisation may be in direct conflict or competition with the activities of Australian Street Aid Project.
● When a situation arises that results in personal benefit to a sub-committee or staff member, contractor or volunteer, or when a sub-committee or staff member, contractor or volunteer is offered a benefit for a particular action.


Australian Street Aid Project is committed to ensuring that personal or individual interests that conflict with the interests of the organisation are identified and managed so that they do not affect Australian Street Aid Project’s services, activities or decisions.
Specifically, we will:
• Maintain a register of conflicts of interest.
• Register known conflicts of interest when people first join Australian Street Aid Project Ltd. as director, sub-committee member, staff member or volunteer.
• Require that people in the organisation declare any conflicts of interest as they arise.
• Provide a process for people in Australian Street Aid Project to make a notification about undeclared conflicts of interest they believe exist.
• Manage conflicts of interest consistently and fairly.
• Maintain appropriate confidentiality about disclosed interests.

What this means for you

You must make informed, objective, and fair decisions.
You must tell us if you have a conflict of interest.
You can also tell us if you think someone else has a conflict of interest.



All team members are responsible for declaring conflicts of interest. The CEO and Chair are responsible for ensuring conflicts of interests are managed. 



Registering known conflicts of interest

Conflicts of Interest are to be recorded on the Conflict of Interest Declaration Form 
● The name of individual
● The nature of the interest they hold
● The date of record
● Any incidents that arise where the interest comes into conflict with the interests of Australian Street Aid Project, the date of the incident, and a summary of how it was managed.

Identifying and declaring conflicts of interest
All Australian Street Aid Project, directors, sub-committee members, staff members or relevant contractors are required to declare any potential or actual conflicts of interest they become aware of. They are to:
● Declare a conflict when it becomes apparent (particularly when the individual is about to take part in a decision-making process).
● Provide formal notification in writing to the Chairperson or CEO on the Conflict of Interest Declaration Form 
Managing conflicts of interest
The process for managing a conflict of interest is to include the following steps:
● Identify or declaration of the interest
● Assess whether a conflict, or potential conflict, exists
● Decide about the individual’s continued role in the matter.
● In any case where a conflict of interest exists, the individual concerned should not take part in the decision and, in some instances, should not be present when the matter is discussed.

Recording conflicts of interest
Potential or actual conflicts are to be recorded as follows:
● In Board meeting minutes or,
● On the Conflict of Interest Declaration Form 
● In the relevant staff members’ file.

In the event of any conflict or inconsistency of information, the policy statement and details prevail over the “what this means for you” statement.